IMPACT Connected Car

Tipo de proyecto Coche conectado

Estado del proyecto Finalizado

Coste total del proyecto 5,535,591.25 €

Sitio web del proyecto

Sobre el proyecto

Impacto en las emergentes cadenas de valor del coche conectado

<IMPACT> Connected Car will demonstrate that public clusterization and disruption discovery with key Innovation actors (SMEs) and proper corporate engagement develops Emerging Industries and builds the EU of “”entrepreneurial states”. This project will fund 2 European Superstars and 64 Disruptive SMEs in the Connected Car OpenSpace by 5 European Cluster and 2 global ecosystems with the support of 10 Global Corporations and 4 pioneering startups. An acceleration and smartization virtuous cycle methodology in the OpenSpace with vehicle, infrastructure and device & TelCo interactions and consumer & business services across 6 industrial value chains (Mobility, Automotive, Electronics, ICT, Services and Infrastructure) will lead to Value Link-Chains.

Este proyecto ha recibido financiación del programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención nº 731343